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Apr 11, 2022
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Those indicators include price and volume, the TRIN, New 52 week highs and lows, the advance/decline line, the number of bullish vs. bearish investors, etc. A more detailed discussion regarding these indicators is more suitable for another article. When a daytrader becomes aware that the market character has changed to a bearish tone, then it is time to adjust their thinking when it comes to managing trades. First of all, due to the usual increase in market volatility, the trader should scale back position size. While it may have been reasonable to trade 1,000 shares in a stock during a bull move, 500 shares might be more reasonable in a bear move. The novice daytrader email list will think they are losing out on a sizable profit opportunity by trading smaller during these major down moves. The experienced trader realizes that it is more important to preserve capital for time periods when the market is more predictable and less volatile. One other issue facing daytraders during these bear markets is that the market has a tendency to have sharp intraday reversals, and there tends to be more sizable opening gaps. As some daytraders actually do carry positions over night, it is a good idea to carry smaller positions over night due to the greater risk of a market reversal. The daytrader should also be aware that the overall long term market tendency is for stocks to trade higher each day.
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